5 Reasons to Ditch the Old Windows

Do the windows of your home look old enough to have witnessed the Declaration of Independence being written? Okay, your windows might not be that old, but if they’re looking rusty it might be a good idea to replace them. If you think replacing your old windows is only about appearance, you’ll be surprised to learn there are many great reasons why you should install new windows for your home.
1) Save that Moolah!:
Heating and cooling a house can use up a lot of energy and cost a pretty penny. Your old, single pane windows are most likely not keeping all the cold air and/or heat inside your home, therefore wasting energy and jacking up your utility bill! New energy efficient windows can lower your bills and keep your heating/cooling inside where it belongs.
2) Keep Out Unwanted Noise:
As mentioned before, most old windows are only single pane. Even if your house is well insulated, noise can leak through the cracks of windows that are not withering from age. If you live by a busy road this can be a nightmare! Replacing your windows can bring back the peace and quiet you yearn for at the end of a long day.
3) Curb appeal:
The windows are the eyes of the house! Give your home a much-needed facelift with beautiful new windows that’ll have the whole neighborhood eager for a glance! With new windows you can turn even the oldest home into one that looks like it was just built.
4) Safety:
If you want to protect you and your family from potential burglaries, you should think about installing new windows that can be locked from the inside. The locks on your current windows might not be intact after all these years. Keep out intruders with strong, durable new windows. Your windows should also be a point of entry for you and your family in case of an emergency. Older windows that haven’t been opened in years can sometimes become stuck. Take precaution and get new windows that can safely be opened and closed.
5) UV Protection
New windows possess a technology that deflects ultraviolet rays from the sun. These windows still allow sunlight in while preventing harmful UV rays from entering your home. UV rays can damage the interior of your home, especially the paint on your walls. Your home and everything inside are an investment, protect it with the right windows!
Replacing your windows is a great investment that’ll add more years to your home. It’s the best way to improve the look of your house while protecting you and your family and being energy efficient! That sounds like a win-win-win!